Aug 12, 2016
Midgardsblot 2016
Friday the 19th of August I will do a midnight concert in The Gildehall during the festival Midgardsblot in Borre. On this intimate...

Aug 10, 2016
See you again
The last stop before our travel to the airport and back to Norway tomorrow is with our dear friends in Yelm, Chief Rangingbear and his...

Aug 9, 2016
The majestic Mount Adams (12281ft)
What an inspirational and beautiful place! Today we are visiting the ECETI Range in Trout Lake, Washington. Located by the base of the...

Aug 6, 2016
First recording with Fred Hill Sr.
The very first recording session of the collaboration with Fred Hill Sr. is completed and we got some very nice tracks. Than you Dan...

Aug 5, 2016
At the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Fred Hill Sr. and I at the Tamástslikt Cultural Institute after playing at the CTUIR Rec. for the kids and community from the Umatilla...

Jul 31, 2016
Gathering in Spokane
Friendships, delicious food and heartfelt music were shared today at Francis Carsons in Spokane. Thank you for the way are welcoming us...

Jul 20, 2016
Working on the book
The great painter Herb Leonhard surprised me with this piece a while back ago, today we worked further with a book we will release...

Jul 2, 2016
Underjordisk Festival 2016!
I´m proud to present my home towns new festival, Underjordisk Festival, that will be arranged the 28th-30th of October this year. As one...

Jun 25, 2016
A great day with a lot of traveling!
This morning I had a great outdoor concert with Willow at Peder Balkesenteret in Kapp. What a beautiful scenery, weather and audience!...

Jun 24, 2016
"Pikene på broen" released today!
The video "Pikene på broen" with Edel Design Mitt i Mjøsa was released today! Congratulations Edel and thank you for another...