Aug 27, 2015
In the kingdom of Nøkken
We had a great time playing by Klopptjern tonight. In the middle of the forest more than 70 people gathered for this outdoor concert with...

Aug 25, 2015
One day in studio with this guys is like....
...REALLY GOOD!!! Today we prepared some brand new material for our Faerieworlds set just the tree of us. Later this week I will have to...

Aug 24, 2015
Really looking forward to this!
Faerieworlds 2015 will take place on September 4-6 at Horning's Hideout near Portland, Oregon featuring Wardruna(Norway), Faun(Germany),...

Aug 23, 2015
In the middle of Jotunheimen
Another beautiful wedding ceremony has now become a wonderful past to be remembered. What a spectacular scenery and a great day at...

Aug 17, 2015
A wonderful weekend in Sweden
This weekend Jørgen and I played in a beautiful wedding ceremony at Dömle Herrgård in Sweden, a great weekend filled with so much...

Aug 13, 2015
Great rehearsal day in Studio
It´s good to be back in the studio after all the wonderful summer activities! New impulses are growing from feelings to soundwaves, and...

Aug 4, 2015
With the cameras on
A film crew has been following us during our journey in the wild west to document the collaboration with native americans. We look...

Jul 30, 2015
A very special gift
When I was in Tri-Cities last week I was given this beautiful moccasins by Jim Sterling. They were given to his mother Bettty Sterling in...

Jul 27, 2015
See you again!
I'm on the plane back to Norway, extremely tired and filled with impressions that will take a while to absorb. The last two weeks I have...

Jul 26, 2015
Early morning ride to the airport
6:00 am this morning and we are traveling back to Norway. I will miss this two gentle and kind men so deeply, my dear Wizard and Cowboy...