Dec 26, 2013
Headliners at Faerieworlds!
Now it´s official! Faerieworlds have just announced their main stage headlining bands at their website, we are one of them! Here are some...

Nov 14, 2013
Thank you FaerieCon East!
Back in Norway after a wonderful first experience in the U.S. with my band! I´m very grateful to have met a so dedicated and beautiful...

Nov 12, 2013
Faerieworlds 2014
I am happy to announce that two of my older tracks, "Ragnarok" and "Crystals are falling", now are released on this Faerieworlds album....

Oct 20, 2013
Headliners at FaerieCon East 2013!
We are proud to be one of the headliners for the great festival FaerieCon East 2013! Can´t wait to play for you in Baltimore the 8th of...

Oct 16, 2013
Today my new album arrived!
I´m thrilled and proud to tell you that my fourth album, "Fragile Mind", arrived my managment today and I´m really looking forward to...

Sep 21, 2013
Tildelt hardingfele av Norsk Hardingfelefond!
For over 15 år siden fant jeg min første hardingfele i verkstedet til Helge M. Bergnord. Det over 150 år gamle instrumentet ble starten...

Jul 19, 2013
Hyggelig lesing fra en av sommerens festivaljobber!
Hyggelig lesing om konserten vår på Egersund Visefestival 2013! "For å si det rett ut: HERREMÅNE! Martine Kraft med band kan ikke...

Jul 16, 2013
Vi gleder oss til å spille på Kystkulturuka 2013!
I kveld spiller vi på den offisielle åpningen av Kystkulturuka på Furuøya utenfor Tvedestrand. Scena rigges og vi venter på lydprøve ute...

Jun 20, 2013
Performance with RoofMoose at “Mjøskonferansen 2013”
Martines music and inspirational environment has become a multi brand by the name "Spirits from Norway". In Gjøvikhallen one of her...

May 2, 2013
Coast radio in Spain
We`ve just been visiting Jennie at the coast radio in Fuengirola, a live interview for Scandinavian listeners living in Spain. We had a...