Apr 29, 2013
Us premiere performance of Martine Kraft
FaerieCon East 2013 in Baltimore, MD will feature the US premiere performance of Norway's internationally acclaimed fiddle player,...

Mar 16, 2013
An exiting collaboration is taking form!
This is a preview of the first product in the collaboration with the norwegian clothes designer Edel Urstad and her brand Edel Design....

Feb 27, 2013
Recording “Music from a waterfall” in Hunn Kirke
Recording "Music from a waterfall" in Hunn Kirke (local church) together with Nils Jørgen Nygaard and Stig Enger . The album will be...

Jan 1, 2013
Supported by the national fund "Innovation Norway"
Martine has released three albums and she is now working on the fourth album wich is schedualed to be released October 2013. She has...