Oct 24, 2019
The premiere of "Ulvenatt"!
Don't miss Mairanne Steinsrud's mysterious and heartbreaking drama that is played when the twilight creeps into the dark wolf night. Hope...

Oct 24, 2019
Premiere tonight!
The premiere of "Ulvenatt" is tonight!!! The show only plays tonight, Friday and Saturday at 18:00 at Eiktunet! Hope to see youðŸŽ

Oct 17, 2019
In exactly one week it´s the premiere of "Ulvenatt" ("Wolf Night")!!! I look forward to work on this very rare historical journey of...

Oct 16, 2019
Creative days in Kristiansand
Some great, intense and playful days in Lydbølgen Studio in Kristiansand is over and I return home with a big smile. Chris Thomas and...

Oct 14, 2019
Next stop Kristiansand
What a great day! Just an hour ago my trio "Iwashere" opened a brand new education program, and now I´m on the train to Kristiansand to...

Oct 14, 2019
Educational history was written today
Today educational history was written in our hometown Gjøvik when the very first class of students started their bachelor's degree in...

Oct 12, 2019
Norsk Akevittfestival 2019
As hired street-musicians we brought some musical joy to the streets of Gjøvik during the annual town festival, Norsk Akevittfestival. It...

Oct 1, 2019
The first review of "Iwashere"!
Our first review, headline says "Gripping premiere" and we are grateful that our message got through! Oppland Arbeiderblad (30.09.2019)

Sep 30, 2019
The very first breath of "Iwashere"
The very first breath of "Iwashere" hit the air last night in our home town! The premiere also presented the collaboration with the...

Sep 29, 2019
A dream came true!
Strange how a tiny space between four walls can fill so much! This room, and this week, has been a very important step towards the...