Headliners at Faerieworlds!

Now it´s official! Faerieworlds have just announced their main stage headlining bands at their website, we are one of them! Here are some writings from their Facebook-page:
"2014 MAIN STAGE LINE UP ANNOUNCED: OK - we are REALLY excited by this Main Stage line up! For sheer musical excellence, powerful, rocking performances and intoxicating tribal dance energy, 2014 will ignite the Realm as never before. We have LOTS to share with you - as well as a Special Year End Ticket Offer! - so let's get to it! MARTINE KRAFT- This internationally acclaimed master of the hardingfiddle, Norway's Martine Kraft made her US performance premiere at FaerieCon East in November in Baltimore. With her roots deep in traditional Nordic melodies and modal rhythms, Martine and her rocking band exploded on stage, delivering one of the best performances we have ever seen on our stages. Immediately, we all had the same thought: "Martine's GOT to play Faerieworlds." And now she's coming to the Realm for her West Coast Premiere! DO NOT MISS THIS!"