Into-it 2016
Some incredible days with unforgettable experiences and memories that I will remember for a long long time! Thank you, you wonderful young people from Bjørnsveen, Kopperud, Biri, Snertingdal, Vardal and Gjøvik Læringssenter, for a great production-week together and an impressive performance last Friday. I am both proud and happy to have been allowed to participate on the Into-IT-project another year together with Nils Jorgen and the great staff at Ung i Gjøvik / Ungdommens Hus! You fill one of the most important positions in this whimsical network of community services and manages to create good relationships and memories that for many of these youngsters will last a lifetime. The performance "Fram i lyset" ("Into the light") was one more proof of how painfully important it is to take the individuals seriously, creating a sense of belonging, confidence, inspiration and respect that we actually are different and that´s how it should be. I'm impressed at how awake, reasonable and honest the youths appear, and the forces that emerge when they are given confidence and are allowed to create something of their own. I hope all those who dare to even think about to close down, or cut resources, within the youth department in Gjøvik, and also any other well-functioning youth departments, takes the time, stop by the youth center, talk WITH the youth and familiarize themselves with the giant and money consuming situations that can, and most certainly will, emerge if they remove or cut down this important feature. Adolescence is, as most people have experienced, a challenging period in life where many things can change very quickly. Having a safe and healthy rallying, regardless of the family and the school district, are for many crucial important for the results of how and why serious choices are made for the future! A big HURRAY FOR THE YOUTH DEPARTMENT OF GJØVIK, all the great people who work there and all the wonderful young people who make our community an even more colorful and exciting place to be!